Anchor MORE

Mobile Outreach Recovery Efforts

Anchor MORE is Anchor’s statewide outreach initiative, in which peer recovery specialists go out into the community and talk with individuals suffering from substance use disorders. Interactions often lead to referrals to treatment and recovery support services such as 12 step meetings, medication-assisted treatment, detox, recovery housing, recovery coaching, safe shelters, and Anchor services.  This mobile effort reaches all 38 towns of Rhode Island.

AnchorMORE staff visit places in the community like:
  • Soup kitchens
  • Shelters
  • Bus stations
  • Needle exchanges

These efforts result in over 500 conversations in the community each month. AnchorMORE also provides the distribution of naloxone (Narcan) and education of overdose prevention strategies to individuals, groups, and businesses.

Providence Safe Stations


Anchor MORE is also involved with the PVD Safe Stations initiative, which addresses the overdose epidemic in Providence by providing hassle-free and access to supportive services. Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, having a substance use crisis can visit any of Providence’s 12 fire stations, speak with the trained staff on duty, and within 15 minutes are seen by a peer recovery specialist. Providence Safe Stations is based on the model from Manchester and Nashua, NH, which also experience high rates of opioid overdose deaths. The program is free and provides a welcoming environment for when you’re ready for recovery.

Learn More About Providence Safe Sations